As you can see from the photo I am in the middle of a huge construction project. We are making two rooms out of one big one. We never use the large room, it just sits there looking pretty. We decided to make it two rooms, one is going to be my sewing room (yippeeee!) and the other one will be for the grand kids for toys and wii games etc. They both will have a closet in them so lots of storage (I can go shopping) This one wall is over 12 feet high so lots of wall to drywall and paint. We are doing all the work ourselves so it takes us a lot longer than the professionals. I can't wait to get it done and move my things in. I will post as I get time.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Trying to do some work but it's hard when I'm stressed. All my creative juices dry up. Calgon take me away!. I have so many ideas swimming around in my head but all it's doing right now is giving me a headache.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Halloween Baby In A Buggy
I am working on this little doll right now. She is very tiny, only seven inches tall and the doll she is holding is three inches. Just a few more touches and she will be ready for eBay.
Art Dolls
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Messy Blog
I know, I know it's messy. All in the wrong place and off center. I am working on fixing it in between painting and such. It will be great when it's done, trust me. Check back often to see what's new.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Halloween Witch Painting on eBay
Auntie Awful
I have some prints for sale on eBay right now of Auntie Awful.
I will be adding her sisters in the next week or two for a set of three that will be offered as prints.
The originals will be up for sale soon.
Home Projects,
Friday, September 3, 2010
Halloween Folk Art Doll
I have just completed the coffin for poor Bessie May. It turned out better than I had hoped for. I only made it today but it looks like it's a hundred years old. Very pleased. She was a very sweet lady, loved by all and was devoted to God. She will be sadly missed but never forgotten. A wonderful poem came to mind as I was designing this doll. I will include it with her inside her box.
Art Dolls
Thursday, September 2, 2010
New Witch Painting
I am starting to get back in the swing of things. My newest painting is almost ready to list on eBay. It will be listed on Sunday evening. The painting comes with an original poem I wrote that I think is quite funny. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Updating my blog
Please be patient with me as I try to updat my blog. I am finding it rather difficult to get my ducks all in a row. Trying to finish some projects and stay sane.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Country Chicken Primitive Painting
Folk Art Chick
A cute fluffy little chick wearing a blue ribbon. It is painted on quality water paper using gouache and water color paints. It has a look of a vintage style painting. The frame has been decorated in patchwork style with a wood burning tool and stained to give an aged look. The painting has been sealed and is behind glass. It is a Kaz Original design and one of a kind. Signed and dated by me the artist. It measures 12 ¼ inches wide x 14 ¼ high total. Comes ready to hang. Would look great in a country kitchen
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Halloween Witch Painting in progress
I had the urge to draw the other day and I came up with this water colour. I still have some work to do on it. I have written a poem to go with it which I think is pretty funny. Some times poems just come to mind as I am working on a piece, others just have a name.

Thursday, July 1, 2010
New Halloween dolls on the way soon
I have been so busy these last few weeks I haven't had time to get in my studio. I have some exciting ideas for dolls. I hope to have at least one on eBay this Sunday if all goes well. I feel like a mad scientist trying out all the ideas in my head I think that the dolls are going to be great and can't wait to get one finished. Stay tuned.
Art Dolls
Monday, June 21, 2010
Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me
This is where it all began. Once he had on his outfit he never wanted to be anything but a Pirate.
I made this pull toy for him on his last birthday.
It has been three years now since my grandson started liking pirates. He dresses up as a pirate most days and plays out scenes from a day in the life of a pirate. We have to walk the plank or swab the decks. It is so much fun to hear him do his Arrrr! me mateys. Here are some of my favorite photos of him dressed up. He wanted a pirate birthday party (of course) So my daughter and I made this bean bag toss game for him and his mateys to play at the party. Pirate treasure can be won by all if you can blow up the ship with the skeleton bean bags. We love him so much he is the real treasure
Monday, June 14, 2010
Headboard and Bed Crown
I have finished the bed crown and today I found this room divider for only $29 at the antique store. I think it makes a great headboard. The colors are not right in this picture but it looks really good. I am very pleased with the way it turned out. Now I have to make some pillow covers to add to the bed.
Home Projects
Friday, June 11, 2010
Bedside tables and bed crown
I have been busy making these side tables from an old broken table that my Daughter was given. It started life out as one square table. I am decorating a guest bedroom and I needed two bedside tables. As I only had four legs to work with I made two half circle tables. I also wanted a bed crown for that room but they are so expensive. I had a mold of little leaves so I made some using water putty. I glued them on to a box that I made from scrap wood and painted it in black. I dry brushed the crown and tables with silver. As soon as they are dry I will install them. I think I saved a few hundred dollars by doing it myself. I didn't have to spend a penny on them as I had the scrap wood and paint. I will post pictures of the room when it's all done.
Home Projects
Monday, May 10, 2010
Spot the impostor Puppy
Can you spot the impostor. My new puppy Cookie is on the right. The dog on the left is a mohair puppy my daughter bought for my birthday a few years ago. Cookie is a Cavapoo (in other words an expensive mutt) A king Charles Cavalier and a Poodle mix. Very very smart and a little rascal. Just three months old and already house broke and sits on command and can fetch. A gift from my husband because he knows I can't stand having an empty nest, bless him.
Folk Art Doll
These are some of the things I have in the works. This is my first attempt at making a ethnic doll. She was supposed to be holding the bundt cake but it's not the right scale. I will have to make a bigger doll for my cake. She will be carrying her bible instead of a cake. My next doll is going to be a bride with a twist so stay tuned.

Art Dolls
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Lemonade out of lemons
Have you ever had one of those days when nothing goes right? I had one of them yesterday. I have been designing some veggie dolls and was attempting to make a pattern for a watermelon head. It came out completely the wrong shape and I was so frustrated. As I sat there looking at my mistake I saw a grumpy face in the folds of the fabric. I used sharpie pens to define his features and turned him into a sort of frog like creature.This is the result. I call him Flukell as it was a fluke that he came into being. I love him and intend to make some more similar to him for sale. He will stay with me in my studio to remind me that when life gives you lemons you can make lemonade (even if it is a bit sour) I love his grumpy little face.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Spring Chicky
I have been playing around with water color pencils and the computer. I haven't decided what to do with this one yet. I still need to work on it a bit more
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Halloween Doll In Progress
I am working on my newest doll. I am in a creating frenzy as you can see from my studio. This doll is being difficult. I don't have a finished picture in my head like I normally do. She is leaning a little Goth I think, we shall see. I had to hang her upside down to dry. I don't think she minds one bit. I wanted her to be done by the weekend but it doesn't look like that is going to happen now. I like to sit and draw my dolls on paper first and decide what kind of clothes they will have and a theme but this one is being made totally from a blank canvas. Sometimes it is a disaster but then again some of my best ideas have come on the fly. Stay tuned for the end results.
Art Dolls
Monday, April 5, 2010
Theres a whole lot of shakin going on
I am sure you have heard about the 7.2 earthquake we just had in Southern California. It was quite a ride. We lost about 2 inches of water out of the pool from it sloshing about. My light fixtures were swinging at least a foot back and forth. No damage thanks be to God. I felt a bit sea sick because it was a rolling motion not a jolt. Anyway my family is safe that's the main thing. I am busy in my studio after weeks of not being able to get in there to work (house remodel) I am working on two dolls at the moment and should have them done by the weekend in time to list on eBay Sunday. I will post pictures later this week.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Alice In Wonderland In Imax 3D
The movie is a delight to the eye. I have to say I enjoyed this movie more than any other fantasy that I have seen EVER. It takes you to another world. The scenes are spectacular. I have to see it again it was that good. Johnny Depp's character was a bit scary with some violent undertones but he did a great job at being as mad as a hatter. It was a bit dark and not very child friendly. It has sparked my imagination so I need to get working on something soon.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Alice In Wonderland
Well I am finely going to see the movie today. I am exhausted and really need to sit a while and let Tim Burton and Jonny Depp take me away for a couple of hours. I am so burned out with painting the bathroom I need a break for sure.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
TWO Bathroom remodels
I am having a hard time getting to my art as I am in the middle of a remodel of TWO bathrooms. My dear husband decided that since we have all the tools out we might as well do them both at the same time. He had taken a hammer to the counter top of the guest bathroom before I could get to him. Anyway I will be absent for a week or two but I will post pictures here from time to time to show my progress. This is the awful before. We are doing all the work ourselves so it will take us a while.
Home Projects,
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Alice In Wonderland Challange
After seeing the movie I was inspired to do these two pieces of art. I will be putting them up for auction soon
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Primitive folk art
For all of the people that have emailed me asking if there’s any new items for sale. I just want to let you know that I am working on lots of goodies. I had the flu then we had a new baby grand daughter born on Ground hogs day, Jasmine 7lbs 6oz. So cute I can't stand it. I am also in the middle of a bathroom remodel. We are doing all the work ourselves so very exhausting. But as you can see from my studio I am also very busy creating. I am trying to get something finished for next week.
Art Dolls
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Cirque Du Soleil - Kooza
We are going to see Kooza tonight in Irvine. I can't wait to see all the wonderful costumes. I am sure they are going to inspire my imagination for future dolls. We try to get to all the shows.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Happy New Year
Well another year gone. The trimmings are all down and put away. I decided to rearrange my studio to make it more efficient and get rid of some things that have been lurking on shelves for years. I am a craft hoarder I think. Very hard to let things go because I think I might use it one day. This year is going to be more streamlined and organized. I have some really exciting ideas for 2010. I have been busy sketching and working out how to incorporate my ideas into my dolls. I wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope we can turn a corner this year and get out of this funk we are in. In with the new and out with the old.
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