Sunday, October 21, 2012

Halloween Art Doll Pumpkin

This is my new doll pattern I have just designed and I am very pleased with it so far. I have to tweak some things on my next one but not too much. I have made her to be very floppy, her head rolls as you move her almost giving her a live feel. As she is sleeping I wanted her head to be able to slump to the side. Her legs are very bendable as well. I have hand sewn tiny buttons down the side of her boots which I love the look of.She is a large doll. She measures 34 inches to the top of her hat.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Christmas Ornament Santa

This is a paper mache sculpture I am working on. I first made the snowball out of the rough paper mache then used a really smooth paper mache for Santa. I like how he is turning out so far.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Christmas Ornaments Santa

Just put them on eBay. They turned out nice I think. They have an old world feel to them. I toned down the color with burnt umber to make them look like they were very old. Item number: 251168161639 on eBay. I know there's a way to add a link but I can't remember how to do it right now and I am sooooooo tired. I will try again tomorrow to do it the right way. Night night. zzzzzzzzzzzz!