Saturday, November 5, 2011

Father Christmas

I have been painting up a storm. I suddenly got into the Christmas mode. I usually have a hard time switching from Halloween to Christmas. I just love all those yummy colours of fall. I opened a Zazzle store this weekend and will be adding some graphics there soon. This is just a sample of what I have been doing this weekend. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Halloween Humpty Dumpty Witch

For sale on eBay now thru Monday 26th Oct.
eBay item # 250895537742

Halloween Humpty Pumpkin

Just a few final touches and it will be done. Took a long time to get this puppy done, I started painting it nearly two years ago or more and it sat there waiting to have a theme but I couldn't seem to get back to it. I decided that this is going to be done by the end of the year and then the idea of Halloween came to mind and then I really had to get on it. Anyway it is 99.9 percent done and it will go on eBay soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Halloween Ghostie Doll in the works

This is going to be in a pram like one I just sold.

Halloween Witch Doll in the works

Almost done, just the finishing touches to do. They were suposed to be two separate pieces but the large one kept falling forward and the little one kept falling backward. I just grabbed the little one to use as a prop and voilà!
they became co-dependant on each other, so they are BFFS now. How can I separate them lol.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Halloween Art Doll nearly done

She is nearly done, just needs some creepy clothes to wear and she is ready for eBay

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Auntie Awful's sister Hazel

This is the second watercolor that I have been working on. I will have three sisters in all. The mean one Auntie Awful, the "pretty one" Hazel and the slightly insane one Marge. I will be making ACEO cards of these three plus some greeting cards. My wheels are still spinning so there maybe other things as well later on.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Art dolls every where

I am in the process of building a new website and working on some paintings that will be available for sale and also some new Art dolls that have a little twist to them. I hope you keep stopping by to see what I am up to and move on to my new site which will be available in a week or so.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Too busy to craft

 I bought some Calgon and this is what happened to me
The dog ate my homework
 I have ADHD (Almost Done Housework Duties)
As you can see I am really in deep thought about my next project and it really takes it out on a woman.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Updating my blog

I am trying to update my blog and I am having a hard time doing it. Please excuse the ever changing pages. I know what I want but have no idea how to do it. I am PC challenged you see. I am also trying to get my craft room finished and plaster my bathroom walls. I don't juggle very well and I also have ADHD (Almost Done Household Duties) So I guess I better get back to the tasks at hand.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Some work in progress

I am working on this right now. Don't know what I am going to do with it yet. She looks like she  has got  lots of attitude. I have a new toy that I am playing around with on my computer and this is what I have so far. I sketched this on paper first then scanned it in to the computer. Playing around with it is so much fun. I will post my finished product when it is done.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kitchen Cabinets Painted Black

My inspiration for this was the wonderful art of Tracy Flickinger. I had the apron and when I decided to paint my kitchen black I wanted the doors to have some other color and the apron gave me the idea to fill the panels with these cute guys.

           I plastered the walls and took down those awful 70's light panels. I put tin where the lights were.

As I live in wine country I wanted to add some grapes. I found these cheap resin shelves and used them for under my granite counters. I painted them black and Viola!! These are selling for $60 each in wood at my local hardware store.


This is my starting point. Orange stain and floor tiles for counters, Yuk!
The cabinets were redwood and in good condition so I didn't have to replace them.

I added bead board to the recessed doors only on the bottom to give them some texture

Monday, April 11, 2011

It's a dogs life after all

Cookie, my constant companion. She loves this spot as it looks out on to the street and she can keep her eye out for the black cat that lives across the street.
 How wonderful is unconditional love. What would I do without her.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Craft Room

Hi everyone, still working hard on my house.My new craft room is slowly emerging from the dust and wood shavings. Going very slow as we have a family member (Charlotte) that is very sick. Prayers are gratefully accepted for healing for lung cancer. Thank you to all in advance that pray for her. I am going to post more often than I have as I feel like it's an outlet for me and takes my mind off things for a little while.
